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Guidelines for Authors

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Guidelines for Authors

Manuscripts submitted to Catholic Theology and Thought (CTT) should conform to the following guidelines. Manuscripts, which deviate significantly, will be returned to the author and will not be considered for publication unless substantially revised.

I. In General

  • Manuscripts should not have been previously published.
  • Manuscripts submitted to CTT should be between 4,500 and 10,000 words. Shorter works will be considered on merit.
  • Articles should be submitted in electronic form: either in rtf, doc or docx format.
  • For review purposes, send an identical version in PDF format.
  • Manuscripts are to be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and fully justified.
  • Margins should be 2cm (1 inch approx) all round.
  • Footnotes, not Endnotes, should be used.
  • Include a short abstract in English (about 200 to 250 words) and a list of (up to ten) keywords.

II. Language Issues

  • On first usage, appropriately include words in their original language along with the accepted English translation; thereafter, use the English translation (e.g. 천주, 天主, Lord of Heaven). Where there is no accurate English translation, include an italicized English transliteration (e.g. 한, 恨, Han).
  • Normally, as per The SBL Handbook of Style, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Syriac, and Coptic words should be written in their original alphabets and not transliterated into Roman script.
  • Semitic languages should be written with no vowel points except where vocalization is crucial to the discussion. If exceptions to this rule are made, a transliteration of ancient languages should follow the guidelines in The SBL Handbook of Style.
  • Writers should use gender-inclusive language for both humanity and the deity. Exclusively masculine pronouns referring to God should be avoided as much as possible.
  • The word “God” should not be abbreviated.
  • The tetragrammaton should be rendered as “YHWH” (except in the case of a direct quotation using a different rendering).

III. Obtaining Permissions

  • It is the author’s responsibility to request any permissions required for the use of material owned by others.
  • When all permissions have been received, the author should send them, or copies of them, to the publisher, who will note, or comply with, any special provisions regarding credit lines contained in them.

IV. Technical Issues

  • For non-Latin fonts (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Greek, etc.) use Unicode-compatible fonts.

V. Standardization

  • Check for the consistency of language, grammar and style used throughout the manuscript, including the italicizing of words and the placement of footnote numbers in the text. There should be no spaces before or after a hyphen.
  • Either British or American English spelling usage is acceptable but manuscripts must be internally coherent and consistent.

VI. Language Issues

  • All headings should be left-aligned. Use the following numbering system for headings
    1. Main Heading
    1.1. Section Heading
    1.1.1. Subsection Heading
  • Do not end a title or heading with a period
  • Use the headline style (e.g., capitalize all letters in a title apart from articles and prepositions)

VII. Quotations

  • Short quotations (fewer than 60 words) should be included within the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. Single quotation marks enclose quotations within quotations.
  • Longer quotations should appear as an indented block, fully justified, and separated from the text by at least two carriage returns (¶¶). Block quotes are not to be enclosed within quotation marks. Indented quotations should be single spaced and use Times New Roman 10-point font.
  • All quotations should replicate the original text in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Any additions by the author should be indicated by square brackets. Indicate omissions by ellipsis(three points within square brackets […]). Any emphasis added by the author should normally be done in italics and appropriately indicated in the quotation or in the relevant footnote.

VIII. Footnotes and Bibliography

  • Footnotes should be numbered consecutively (1.². 3. ) throughout the text using the footnoting function within the word processor.
  • If applicable, give the full first names of authors and editors.
  • Subsequent references should use either an abbreviation or, if sequential: Ibid.
  • Ibid. should be capitalized but not italicized and must end with a period. If a note is for the same work, but a different page, place a comma after Ibid. followed by the page number (e.g. Ibid., p.45)
  • In case of four or more authors/editors, give the full name of the first and for the rest use “et al.”(e.g. Karl Rahner et al.).
  • Give the inclusive page numbers of articles in journals or edited works, using “p.” or “pp.” but not the ambiguous “ff.”.

IX. Citations and References

Manuscripts submitted to Catholic Theology and Thought (CTT) should conform to the following guidelines. Manuscripts, which deviate significantly, will be returned to the author and will not be considered for publication unless substantially revised.


A full citation is required after the first use of another author’s work. The basic required format and punctuation for footnotes is:
1. Author’s First name and Last name, Title of Book, City of Publication: Publisher Name, Publication Year, page number (if relevant).
Subsequent references to the same text:
5. Author’s Last name, Title of Book (in Shortened Form), page number.
For sequential references use Ibid. (see 8 above):
6. Ibid. (same page)
7. Ibid., page number (for a different page)


The bibliography should be on a separate page, using a “hanging indent” and 12pt font. The basic required format and punctuation for the bibliography is:
Author’s Last Name, First Name, Title of Book, City of Publication: Publisher Name, Publication Year.
All entries in the bibliography will include the author (or editor, compiler, translator), title, and publication information. The author’s name is inverted. Titles of books and journals are italicized and followed by publication details (City of Publication, Publisher Name, and Publication Year). Editors or Translators names are placed after the title:
Author’s Last Name, First Name, Title of Book, tr(s)./ed(s). by First Name and Last Name, City of Publication: Publisher Name, Publication Year.
Titles of articles or chapters are placed in quotation marks, giving page numbers after the publication year:
Author’s Last Name, First Name, “Title of Article or Chapter”, in Title of Book, City of Publication: Publisher Name, Publication Year, pp.-pp.

X. Typeface, Emphasis, and Punctuation

Italics should be used in the main texts for:

  • Foreign-language expressions.
  • Titles of books, published documents, newspapers, and periodicals.

Italics are also used to:

  • Draw attention to significant terms (at the first mention only).
  • Emphasize a word or phrase in a quotation. In this case, [emphasis added/mine] should be included in the relevant footnote or, where necessary, in the text itself.
  • Other kinds of emphasis – boldface type, underlining or capital letters – are not desirable.
  • Double quotation marks should be used in all cases unless otherwise noted.
  • Use rounded quotation marks (“. . .”) not "straight" ones.
  • Do not use double round brackets: brackets within parentheses should be square brackets.
  • Full stops should be placed within quotation marks.

XI. Abbreviations

  • Use only the simplest and most common abbreviations (i.e., etc., e.g., et al.).
  • General abbreviations should be kept to a minimum in the main text and only used after the full title is given, e.g. Catholic Thought and Theology (CTT)
  • First names are to be written out in full.
  • Do not use periods in acronyms (CTT, not C.T.T.).
  • Periodicals, series and lexicons should be abbreviated according to accepted practice, e.g. Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition => RSVCE.
  • References to scripture should follow the accepted abbreviations and format, e.g. Gen 1:1-3, 7; 14:4; 1Cor 12:3-7.

XII. Tables, Figures, and Illustrations

  • Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript and be given titles. The title of a table should appear above the table, the title of a figure below the figure.
  • Insert tables and figures (photographs, scans) directly into the text file. Additionally, provide us with separate high resolution TIFF or JPG files (300 dpi).